2008 hurricanes shattered Cuba’s poultry industry

02-01-2009 | |
2008 hurricanes shattered Cuba’s poultry industry

Cuba was hit by a number of hurricanes over the course of 2008. Gustv, Paloma and Ike caused so much damage that they completely destroyed the poultry industry and the infrastructure of hatcheries and broiler houses.

Despite financial assistance from China, Brazil and Venezuela, the lack of building materials available on the island has proven to be the biggest problem in re-building.

Following the huuricanes priority went to the homes and dwellings of the citizens of Cuba, before farming could be considered and this has left Cuba with no basics to re-kindle the industry.

In addition crops were destroyed and washed away, for the tobacco drying sheds were obliterated along with the tobacco and within the sugar harvest was a non event.

The new government of Raul Castro government had released the hold on farming, small farms Allocating to anyone willing to work the land and allo wing them to pocket the profits in attempt to kick start the industry in 2009.

Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist
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