The dual-strain Direct Fed Microbial has been shown to support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut for optimal bird performance. Photo: Morten Larsen Photography.
The dual-strain Direct Fed Microbial has been shown to support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut for optimal bird performance. Photo: Morten Larsen Photography.

Balancing the gut microbiome for optimal poultry performance

20-01 | |
The dual-strain Direct Fed Microbial has been shown to support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut for optimal bird performance. Photo: Morten Larsen Photography.
The dual-strain Direct Fed Microbial has been shown to support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut for optimal bird performance. Photo: Morten Larsen Photography.

Developed using revolutionary waterline technology and backed by science, IFF’s recently launched dual-strain direct-fed microbial (probiotic) offers a unique advantage when combating evolving microbial challenges.

A diverse microbiome is known to support nutrient absorption, improve feed conversion and enhance immune function and, as such, contributes to healthier birds and more sustainable production. In fact, given continued pressure to move away from antibiotics, creating a healthy gut environment where beneficial bacteria are encouraged to thrive is arguably more important than ever.

The good news is that producers now have access to a unique solution – Enviva DUO. This dual-strain Direct-Fed Microbial (DFM, probiotic) has been shown to support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut for optimal bird performance. Not only that, our revolutionary waterline technology means it always disperses evenly throughout water distribution systems, without settling or build up – ensuring every bird receives the full dose of the dual-strain DFM, even if feed intake decreases during times of challenge. So how does it work?

Positive mode of action

A blend of 2 complementary non-spore forming bacteria, the dual-strain probiotic bypasses the stomach and colonises the gastrointestinal tract where it interacts selectively with commensal bacteria and stimulates the production of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) which reduce the pH. By positively changing the gut environment in this way, this innovative dual-strain probiotic microbial helps to:

  • Balance the gut microbiome: Creates conditions that favour the growth of beneficial bacteria, such as Lactobacillus, but discourages growth of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and other potentially non-beneficial bacteria. 
  • Enhance gut integrity: Fuels intestinal cell function and strengthens protection against potentially non-beneficial bacteria. 
  • Support immune function: Reduces inflammatory response and improves the ability of the bird to cope with gut disturbances and stresses. 

Ultimately, these factors interact with each other to create a favorable nutribiotic state – where nutrition, the microbiome and gut & immune function are optimised – and poultry performance improves as a result. Birds are less likely to suffer intestinal disturbance and better able to handle physiological stressors, potentially leading to quicker recovery following challenges. Digestibility and nutrient uptake also increase, as does dietary fibre breakdown.

Advanced waterline technology

The fact that this solution has been specifically developed for waterline application brings key benefits from an operational point of view. First, our unique technology ensures that it disperses evenly and flows well through water distribution systems, without sedimentation or clogging – even after 50 hours in a stationary waterline. Second, it is highly stable in the waterline, regardless of the hardness of the water (Figure 1). What’s more, it’s backed by science.

This advanced administration method means producers can be confident that the dual-strain probiotic reaches every bird right to the back of the waterline and is not reliant on feed intake. Plus, they have the flexibility to target individual houses, farms and lower performing birds as needed.

Proven results

Credible evidence to support this DFM is vital and a recent study provides robust insight into its beneficial effect on ­microbial populations in broilers. A total of 1,440 male Ross 308 broilers were divided into three treatments, each with 12 replicate pens (40 birds per pen). All were given a mixed grain diet, ad libitum, as crumble during the starter phase (days 1-8) and pellets during both the grower phase (days 15-28) and finisher phase (days 29-42). The three dietary treatments were an unchallenged control (UC), challenged control group (CC) and a challenged control group receiving Enviva DUO at 1.0×108 CFU per bird/day administered through the waterline system via a Dosatron.

The challenged control used in this trial, which combined a coccidial challenge (Eimeria) with a Clostridium perfringens inoculation, was administered on days 16-20. To determine the effect of the new DFM on microbiome populations, caecal swabs were taken from 24 birds in each of the three treatments on days 24 and 42 totalling 252 swabs. These samples were evaluated for counts of both Lactobacillus and C. Perfringens. Analysis shows that administering this solution to the challenged birds results in two positive outcomes. Firstly, the beneficial Lactobacillus count is restored to the level of the unchallenged control and secondly, the C. perfringens count is numerically reduced to similar levels seen in the unchallenged control (Figure 2).

Solid combination

In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that this new waterline microbial supports the growth of beneficial microbe species in challenged birds. This positive influence on microbial populations, together with its unique waterline technology, makes Enviva DUO an essential solution for producers looking to improve the health, resilience and performance of their flocks.

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Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health (IFF) Company profile

Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health, now part of IFF is an industry leader in nutritional health solutions with a comprehensive portfolio of feed enzymes, betaine, essential oils and probiotics. Through the lens of nutribiosis, IFF invests in science and innovation to help producers improve performance, increase liveability and support welfare in the face of increasing pressure to reduce or remove antibiotics from production systems. Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health capabilities are underpinned by the quality and quantity of our trials, including over 100,000 guts sampled from over 600 farms, investments in omics technologies and microbiome research, and collaboration with leading commercial, governmental and academic partners. For more information, visit

Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health (IFF) Company profile

Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health, now part of IFF is an industry leader in nutritional health solutions with a comprehensive portfolio of feed enzymes, betaine, essential oils and probiotics. Through the lens of nutribiosis, IFF invests in science and innovation to help producers improve performance, increase liveability and support welfare in the face of increasing pressure to reduce or remove antibiotics from production systems. Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health capabilities are underpinned by the quality and quantity of our trials, including over 100,000 guts sampled from over 600 farms, investments in omics technologies and microbiome research, and collaboration with leading commercial, governmental and academic partners. For more information, visit