AMI releases 2012 Meat and Poultry Facts

15-02-2013 | |
AMI releases 2012 Meat and Poultry Facts

The 2012 edition of the American Meat Institute’s (AMI) Meat & Poultry Facts, the industry’s leading statistical book, is now available.

The 41st edition contains the latest statistics on production, consumption, prices, imports, exports, employment, wages and much more. The book is a joint publication of AMI and Sterling Marketing, Inc.

Sterling Marketing President John Nalivka noted in his introduction that the meat and livestock industry faced several challenges in 2012.  Across the industry, there have been significant price increases and liquidation losses as a result of drought and recent ethanol mandates.

Despite those obstacles, Nalivka remains optimistic writing, “Through the fourth quarter 2012, price advances moderated, prices strengthened and the 2014 industry outlook improved.”

The complete 2012 edition of Meat and Poultry Facts can be purchased from AMI’s online bookstore.

