Brazil forecasts new poultry production records

13-10-2021 | |
According to Ricardo Santin, ABPA's president, a special focus is on internal demand due to the critical economic situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Photo: Fabian Brockotter
According to Ricardo Santin, ABPA's president, a special focus is on internal demand due to the critical economic situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Photo: Fabian Brockotter

The Brazilian poultry sector forecasts another year of record results in 2021. Despite many challenges in the internal economy and abroad, production outlooks look bright for poultry, eggs and pig meat.

During a press conference, the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) stated that the poultry sector will produce 3.5% more and see a 7.5% increase in international trade this year in comparison to 2020.

ABPA surveys indicate domestic production will reach between 14.1 and 14.3 million tonnes. In the best scenario, this means 3.2% growth compared to the total production over the last year, which totalled 13,845 million tonnes. If this materialises, it is the largest production volume ever recorded by the Brazilian poultry industry.

Egg production surpasses 54 billion

Brazil’s eggs production is expect to reach 54.503 billion eggs this year, which is 2% more than the 53.533 billion registered in 2020. Once again, this is a new sector record. Domestic egg consumption will reach 255 units per capita, a new historical index, with an increase of 1.5% compared to the index registered in 2020, with 251 eggs.

Focus on internal demand

According to Ricardo Santin, ABPA’s president, the sector has a special focus on internal demand due to the critical economic situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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“The income support programmes, improvement of the economic situation and vaccination have outlined a scenario of sustained demand for poultry, pork and eggs in the Brazilian market. In this context, supply remains adjusted to demand,” Santin notes.

Brazil reinforces position internationally

Regarding the international market, Luís Rua, markets director at ABPA, explains Asia’s increasing demand for poultry and pork, coupled with traditional customers such as those in the Middle East and the EU, has reinforced Brazil’s position.

“Despite that, the sector has faced severe challenges in relation to production costs, with historical highs for all inputs, such as corn, soybean meal, diesel, plastic and cardboard packaging, electricity,” he said.

Daniel Azevedo Freelance journalist Brazil
