Consultation on procurement of cage-free processed eggs

31-08-2021 | | |
GCAW s Laying Hen Welfare Group has identified the procurement of cage-free processed egg ingredients as a key challenge in meting global cage-free egg commitments. Photo: Misset
GCAW s Laying Hen Welfare Group has identified the procurement of cage-free processed egg ingredients as a key challenge in meting global cage-free egg commitments. Photo: Misset

Moves to improve supply chain models for the procurement of cage-free processed egg ingredients have been launched by an animal welfare coalition.

The Global Coalition for Animal Welfare (GCAW) is holding a consultation to explore solutions to key challenges on processed egg ingredients.

The consultation follows the publication of the latest annual cage-free egg progress reporting by GCAW members, which shows good progress being made in Europe and North America through companies such as Carrefour, Morrisons, Sailing Group and Caprabo, but challenges are making progress more difficult in other areas.


GCAW’s Laying Hen Welfare Group has identified the procurement of cage-free processed egg ingredients as a key challenge in meeting global cage-free egg commitments. Specifically, the challenges centre on availability, cost and traceability of cage-free processed egg ingredients.

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The consultation seeks wider views on the potential for alternative supply chain models to facilitate procurement of cage-free processed egg ingredients and is based on those highlighted by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil’s publications, Segregated, Mass Balance and Book & Claim.

The consultation will run until 17 September with the GCAW keen to hear from industry association, egg producers, other food companies and non-governmental organisations.

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Tony Mcdougal Freelance Journalist
