Getting the most out of male by-products in Poultry World

Getting the most out of male by-products in Poultry World

In this edition of Poultry World we visit a farm on the Dutch/Germany border which has found a niche in fattening male by-products. In an interview, Vera Bavinck tells us more about KipUP, a system to determine and improve the welfare of laying hens during production. Also, what are the pros and cons of pen enrichment for broilers, and practical approaches for optimum egg quality? This and more in the latest edition of Poultry World.

Interview with Vera Bavinck: ‘No checklists but practical solutions’

Vera Bavinck developed KipUP, a system to determine and improve the welfare of laying hens during production. KipUP determines welfare 4 times per flock cycle based on numerous factors. This leads to more knowledge about production factors, less waste and possibly a better egg price. Poultry World wanted to find out more …

Fam visit: Getting the most out of male by-products

Father and son, Jan and Robin Nyboer, found a niche in fattening male by-products that they receive from Cobb Germany’s parent stock production. These broilers need dedicated care and management but reach target weight 3 days earlier than regular broilers. Poultry World visited the farm on the Dutch-German border.

Tackling antibiotic overuse in Nigeria

The poultry industry in Nigeria faces a considerable threat from prevalent diseases, prompting a desperate need for solutions. Unfortunately, this urgency often leads to the excessive use of antibiotics for both prevention and treatment. These antimicrobials are readily available over the counter and are commonly administered in the form of medicated feedstuffs.

Antimicrobial agents are vital for animal health in livestock production, yet the risk of antimicrobial resistance stems from inappropriate usage or substandard doses. Photo: ANP
Antimicrobial agents are vital for animal health in livestock production, yet the risk of antimicrobial resistance stems from inappropriate usage or substandard doses. Photo: ANP

The bigger picture: blinding lights…

A Dutch farmer makes use of 2 green laser lights to keep bd flu out of his farm.

Pros and cons of pen enrichment for broilers

Broilers are often kept in houses where they only have access to litter. Pen enrichments are used in some systems but until recently their actual effect had not been scientifically proven. Wageningen University and Research looked into environmental enrichment and found pros and cons.

Practical approaches for optimum egg quality

Poultry World examines the key factors affecting egg quality, such as nutrition, environmental stress, disease and egg storage conditions, to identify practical approaches to alleviating the effects of these factors and, hence, optimise egg quality.

Etiology and control of leg problems

Leg problems occur to a varying extent depending on various bird-related factors. Common leg problems affecting the poultry industry worldwide can lead to serious health and welfare problems with consequences for production, too. By taking proper management precautions, leg problems can be prevented.

Wet litter in combination with high levels of ammonia can cause severe footpad lesions. Photo: Ton Kastermans
Wet litter in combination with high levels of ammonia can cause severe footpad lesions. Photo: Ton Kastermans

Inclusion body hepatitis as a primary disease

Inclusion body hepatitis is a global problem in the poultry industry. Serotype 8b is increasingly becoming the major serotype, which is now considered a primary pathogen that can cause inclusion body hepatitis in chickens in the absence of IBD, CAV or other predisposing immunosuppressive factors.

5 questions with Richard Griffiths: ‘Supporting the welfare journey of the global poultry industry’

Richard Griffiths, president of the British Poultry Council and board member of AVEC EU Poultry, is also, since January 2024, the new chair of the International Poultry Welfare Alliance (IPWA). He will guide the IPWA through its next phase, “bringing forth diverse perspectives from across the globe”. 

Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist
