Ireland will benefit from poultry market growth

12-11-2012 | |
Ireland will benefit from poultry market growth

Between foreign growth and domestic growth, global poultry demand will see an increase of 60% by 2030. Ireland stands to gain considerably from the upswing, according to Rabobank.

Ireland needs focus on the domestic brands, fresh poultry products and added value, said Rabobank in a recent report. In Ireland, in spite of a decline in overall meat consumption, poultry is becoming the prominent type of protein consumed. Increasing imports are expected to challenge domestic suppliers. “The future of the Irish poultry market looks relatively good,” said Rabobank. “Ireland will benefit from market growth in general but will need to focus on retail access and look to benefit from UK market access and valuable by-products. In industry terms, Ireland should increase consolidation, adjust its industry to the volatility and improve efficiency in farming and processing.”

The global poultry market will put increased pressure on performance in traditional production countries, according to Nan-Dirk Mulder, associate director of animal protein, food and agribusiness advisory and research with Rabobank. “Increasing globalisation in the poultry market means that companies from emerging markets are taking the lead, with Europe taking a back seat,” said Mulder.

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