Ceva launches latest vaccination solutions at VIV Asia

19-03-2013 | | |
Ceva launches latest vaccination solutions at VIV Asia
Ceva launches latest vaccination solutions at VIV Asia

85% of the global growth in poultry production is expected to come from emerging markets, Asia in particular. With the industry facing a trend towards both higher and more volatile feed costs, profitability will be driven by investments in optimal efficiency.

Partnerships and the sharing of knowledge will be a key factor of success, as Asian poultry producers strive to feed a rapidly growing population.


Since launching its latest Newcastle vaccine – Vectormune ND at VIV Asia 2011, Ceva went further by proving its complete compatibility with its blockbuster Gumboro vaccine, Transmune IBD. Both products can now be mixed in diluent and administered in the hatchery (in-ovo or subcutaneously at day old) as a single dose giving life-long protection against Newcastle, Gumboro and Marek’s disease.

Being able to vaccinate in the hatchery against such major disease problems is a huge step forwards but of even more significance could be Ceva’s latest vector vaccine against Avian Influenza – Vectormune AI. The company has just launched the vaccine in Egypt and Bangladesh and will roll this out to other Asian countries where the problem is endemic.

“We believe that hatchery vaccination with technologically advanced vaccines is the future. Not only is there less stress on the chicks being vaccinated, improving welfare, but we can also induce long term immunity by cutting through MDA’s” said Dr Sylvain Comte, Corporate Marketing Director – Poultry “It is not simply a question of providing innovation in vaccines; we have to continue to invest in the equipment, people and programs to be able to provide the expert knowledge and vaccine solutions that will translate into improved production”.

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