Gumboro disease control: Tune in with the experts series
Photo: Ceva Sante Animale

Gumboro disease control: Tune in with the experts series

Santé Animale
Ceva Santé Animale Company profile
30-09-2022 | |
Gumboro disease control: Tune in with the experts series
Photo: Ceva Sante Animale

In March 2022, Ceva Santé Animale launched a series of interviews covering several aspects of Gumboro disease control. In the episodes shared so far, poultry experts from all around the world, discussed about very important aspects for proper Gumboro control, their experiences from Asia to Latin America, how to diagnose the disease, and the impacts on the performance of the broilers flocks.

Among the episodes, there are some very special interviews, like when Tune in with experts visited Padova University, in Italy, to talk to Mattia Cecchinato and Matteo Legnardi about the studies that their lab are conducting, and the new finding of IBD strains in the field.

They are running important monitoring studies, analysing the VP1 and VP2 of these strains, detecting reassortant IBD strains. During this episode our audience will be able understand the impact of these IBD strains, and how to control it.

More videos in the series

And how not mention the 3 interviews with one of the most important figures of the poultry industry, Vilmos Palya, who has decades of experience controlling Gumboro disease, he has a special role not just in developing vaccines, diagnosis protocols, but also in advising hundreds of vets around the world.

Take a look at one of the videos featuring Vilmos Palya

Scan the QR code below to go directly to the YouTube page and watch the videos from the series.

We hope you enjoy the videos.

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Santé Animale
Ceva Santé Animale Company profile

Ceva Santé Animale (Ceva) is the 5th global animal health company, led by experienced veterinarians, whose mission is to provide innovative health solutions for all animals to ensure the highest level of care and well-being. Our portfolio includes preventive medicine such as vaccines, pharmaceutical and animal welfare products for farm and companion animals, as well as equipment and services to provide the best experience for our customers. With 6,500 employees located in 47 countries, Ceva strives daily to bring to life its vision as a OneHealth company: “Together, beyond animal health”. 2022 turnover: €1.53 billion. Use the links below to learn more about Ceva.

Santé Animale
Ceva Santé Animale Company profile

Ceva Santé Animale (Ceva) is the 5th global animal health company, led by experienced veterinarians, whose mission is to provide innovative health solutions for all animals to ensure the highest level of care and well-being. Our portfolio includes preventive medicine such as vaccines, pharmaceutical and animal welfare products for farm and companion animals, as well as equipment and services to provide the best experience for our customers. With 6,500 employees located in 47 countries, Ceva strives daily to bring to life its vision as a OneHealth company: “Together, beyond animal health”. 2022 turnover: €1.53 billion. Use the links below to learn more about Ceva.
