How to interpret bird and egg signals?

04-11-2020 | | |
With older birds the risks of egg production problems grow. Photo: Marcel Berendsen
With older birds the risks of egg production problems grow. Photo: Marcel Berendsen

As the laying cycle progresses and birds get older, there will be some changes in the eggs as well.

In addition, you might see unexpected differences in the physical qualities of the eggs, caused by stress, disease or changes in water or feed quality. Knowledge about the different signals can help you to use your management skills to handle things well.

10 signals of egg production problems and their causes

  1. Eggs with semi-translucent pointed ends; Mycoplasma synoviae
  2. Eggs with a sugar-topped pointed pole and birds with minor respiratory problems; Mycoplasma gallisepticum
  3. Pale eggshells and 3-5 percent birds with congested heads; TRT
  4. Rings, sandy points and asymmetric eggs, birds with reduced feed intake, airway problems and wet droppings; Infectious bronchitis
  5. Pale and weak shells, shoft-shelled eggs, sandy points, rings, asymmetric eggs and false laying hens; Infectious bronchitis suffered during rearing.
  6. Pale shells, birds with serious breathing difficulties and mortality; ILT
  7. Changeable eggs and birds with poor feed intake; Feed quality issues
  8. Thin shells of soft-shelled eggs and birds with keel bone softening; Vitamin D deficiency, CA/P balance.
  9. Pale and weak shells or shell-less eggs; Egg drop syndrome
  10. Pale eggshells, shell-less eggs, deformed eggs and birds with breathlessness, diarrhoea, nervous symptoms and high mortality; Avian influenza or Newcastle disease.
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Fabian Brockotter Editor in Chief, Poultry World
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