Latest innovations from Space 2018

17-09-2018 | |
Latest innovations from Space 2018
Latest innovations from Space 2018

The Innov‘Space award is a showcase for innovation and a real commercial asset that highlights the know-how of companies to livestock farmers. In 2018 there were 39 entries at Space 2018 in Rennes, of which 30 received one star and 9 a two star award. A jury selected one poultry innovation for the top 3 star award, the Rabaud, Lavicole poultry house cleaning robot.

3 star

Rabaud, Lavicole

LAVICOLE is a high-pressure washing robot for cleaning poultry houses. In order to reduce the tediousness of the cleaning works, the machine is track-mounted and fully radio-controlled. 3 washing devices enable a quality and complete washing of the building : A directional ramp mounted on an articulated arm, and equipped with 5 rotating nozzles, that can reach 4.50 m high for washing the ceiling and walls, a washing system dedicated to lifelines and feeders, a manual high-pressure cleaning lance for a fine finish and a foam gun to apply the detergent. All these functions are provided on the track machine that is fitted with a petrol engine and with hydrostatic drive.

2 star

Lallemand Animal Nutrition, Levucell SB

LEVUCELL SB, is the probiotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM I-1079, authorized in the European Union as a zootechnical additive for chickens and minor avian species for fattening (4d1703). LEVUCELL SB helps balance the gut microbiota and strengthens the animal’s natural defenses. Its effects in favor of better intestinal conditions in vivo show benefits for the reduction of carcass contamination by Salmonella spp. It is the first and only probiotic authorised to date in the European Union with a specific function aimed at improving food safety.

1 star

Adisseo Novzymes, Alterion NE

Alterion NE is an innovative probiotic developed by Adisseo in collaboration with Novozymes. Beside the strict selection of the strain of Bacillus subtilis DSMZ 29784 to fulfil the different regulations and to show a consistent effect on the zootechnical performances of the animals, the product also has to be easy to add in feed, without facing bad homogeneity or demixing. The innovation of Alterion NE is that the spores are “glued” on the particles of calcium carbonate, allowing a good quality of mixing and a better delivery to the animals.

Alterion NE is an innovative probiotic developed by Adisseo in collaboration with Novozymes. Photo: Adisseo

Alterion NE is an innovative probiotic developed by Adisseo in collaboration with Novozymes. Photo: Adisseo

Adventiel, Voixeo

The Voixeo solution allows the farmer to integrate a new interaction mode that can be managed by voice. It is available either using Google Home smart connected speakers or a multi-protocol smart box that incorporates bi-directional voice interactions as well as the ability to aggregate sensor data and potentially interact with it (reception of voice alerts, activation/deactivation of sensors…). Coupled with a solution allowing vocal interactions on professional services via conversational robots, Voixeo is the missing link, simplifying the daily life of the farmer. By the voice, he can easily record events (births, rendering, sanitary events…), notes or even reminders in any equipped areas (office, stalls, labs…)… No more paper!

With, French breeders can for the first time directly buy their feed (vegetable proteins and crude vegetable oils) from the manufacturers who produce them. And for more convenience, the contracting is for the first time possible 24/24 from Monday 9am to Friday 8pm, which facilitates the organisation of work on the farm. Breeders have free access to the platform to view prices history and upcoming prices. By setting up their own price alerts, they can contract their supplies according to their own target price.

Grimaud Frères Sélection and Nova-Tech, Claw treat by Infra Red

In 2005, we offered the duck beak treatment service, with the development of the machine with our partner Nova Tech Eng. Since 2008, we are testing the claw treatment on day old ducklings with various prototypes and measurements on ducklings with our partnership with Nova Tech Eng in order to offer this service. On Muscovy duck the debeaking and nails cutting are done at the farm. On Mulard duck since the outbreak on IA, ducklings are raised indoor and therefore to keep them calmer they are doing nails cutting. For a better performance but also for welfare issues as well as new social attend.

A new treatment service to treat the claws of ducks was developped by Grimaud and Novatec. Photo: Grimaud Freres

A new treatment service to treat the claws of ducks was developped by Grimaud and Novatec. Photo: Grimaud Freres

Lead Le Roy, Exp’air

Lead exp’air is a modular ventilation equipment for the atmosphere management by ventilation and heating, for poultry houses. It combines the functions of heating (indirect combustion of gas or hot water), heat exchanger, air extraction and dust filtration. Several operating modes are possible: Preheating: heating period of the building, before animal arrival; Operating alone by recycling the air of the building; Heating and/or heat exchanger depending on building temperature setpoint; Heat exchanger and heating operate simultaneously; Heat exchanger operates alone according to the needs for air renewal and extraction alone, in progressive mode, with opening of the outside door. The blowing fan is stopped with a closing trapdoor to prevent unwanted air intake.

Lead exp’air is a modular ventilation equipment for the atmosphere management by ventilation and heating, for poultry houses.

Lead exp’air is a modular ventilation equipment for the atmosphere management by ventilation and heating, for poultry houses.

Mixscience, Podoscope

Podoscope from Mixscience, is a practical decision-making tool used to identify improvement levers (e.g. broiler house characteristics and technical management) and, more importantly, to prioritise corrective measures by evaluating their potential effect on footpad dermatitis scores. Such tool was created after the analysis of 3500 broiler batches and validated by a field study that included 120 broiler batches. Podoscope predicts accurately the footpad dermatitis score (R²=0.83). This tool is designed for technical advisors and poultry farmers it is available on smartphones, laptops and tablet.

Space 2018 was buzzing with innovations. Photo: Fabian Brockotter

Space 2018 was buzzing with innovations. Photo: Fabian Brockotter

Signs, Secure Chick

The scientific investigations published by the scientists of the IRSEA (Institut de Recherche en Sémiochimie et Ethologie Appliquée), have disclosed the composition of a pheromone, making it possible to produce a synthetic copy of it and to develop a water soluble version of the synthetic pheromone. Sprayed at very low volume (20 microliters per chick), it persists for 5 days, reducing very significantly the sensitivity to stressors and the mortality. The bursae Fabricius of treated chicks are much larger and contain much more active lymphoid follicles, compared to reference chicks. Those chicks cope much faster to their new surrounding in farms, with a better fee intake and an optimal growth curve, compared to their reference conspecifics.

A pheromone to reduce stress was develloped by Signs.

A pheromone to reduce stress was develloped by Signs.

Vencomatic, Q-Perch

Vencomatic developed a solution that stops red mites from reaching the hen: the Q-Perch. Poultry red mite is a small pest that causes poor bird health, decreases egg production and reduces egg quality. Red mites feed themselves at night with the blood of hens, when the hens are resting on perches. Q-Perch offers a continuous line of defense, reducing the number of red mites in the poultry house. Additionally, the design of Q-Perch offers more comfort and stability, resulting in a better rest at night. Integrated in the Q-Perch are 2 barriers. Low intensity electrical signals are sent through these barriers in order to kill the red mite on its way to the hen, while guaranteeing the chicken’s and the farmer’s security.

Vencomatic developed a solution that stops red mites from reaching the hen: the Q-Perch.

Vencomatic developed a solution that stops red mites from reaching the hen: the Q-Perch.

Fabian Brockotter Editor in Chief, Poultry World
