Singapore tests avian flu culler prophylactics

23-03-2012 | | |

Singapore has successfully tested two new procedures in a mock cull designed to help protect chicken cullers from contracting bird flu.

Singapore’s Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) tested a foam decontamination procedure and their farm surveillance.
Codenamed Gallus VI, the exercise involved 200 AVA staff in a risk and procedural assessment in the event of an avian flu outbreak.
Foam detergent was sprayed on the cullers, then liquid detergent was added, which is more effective at removing detritus, germs and faeces from the cullers’ protective suits. 
The surveillance exercise consisted of taking swaps from the cloacae and throats of chickens, while examining their combs for any blueness.
The exercise was successful, and the Singapore is considering buying additional foam detergent machines. This was the sixth in a series of avian flu risk assessment exercises that Singapore has conducted since 2008.

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