Photo: Respeggt
Photo: Respeggt

Video: Respeggt is ready to end chick culling worldwide

Respeggt Free of Chick Culling
Photo: Respeggt
Photo: Respeggt

The company Respeggt presents its solution to end chick culling through gender identification in the hatching egg at the EuroTier 2022 exhibition in Hanover, Germany.

COO Carmen Uphoff talks more about the services that Respeggt offers in this video.

Visit the Respeggt website to find out more about the company and what they represent.

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Respeggt Free of Chick Culling

Our mission is ending male chick culling in the egg production. That’s why we stand for: ‘Free of Chick Culling.’ Every year, several billion male chicks are killed worldwide because of their uneconomical value for the egg production. We, at respeggt , have been looking for a solution to avoid this ethical dilemma in society and therefore created a patented and innovative process for gender identification in the hatching egg the so called SELEGGT process. The procedure can easily be implemented in the global egg production and be recognized by the heart-shaped respeggt label ‘Free of Chick Culling’ on all egg boxes. The label guarantees eggs from a supply chain which complies with the principals of the respeggt promise. The first eggs with the respeggt label have been on the market since November 2018. To achieve a global egg production ‘Free of Chick Culling’, we at respeggt offer all hatcheries the services of gender identification in the hatching egg as well as a supply chain verification.

Respeggt Free of Chick Culling

Our mission is ending male chick culling in the egg production. That’s why we stand for: ‘Free of Chick Culling.’ Every year, several billion male chicks are killed worldwide because of their uneconomical value for the egg production. We, at respeggt , have been looking for a solution to avoid this ethical dilemma in society and therefore created a patented and innovative process for gender identification in the hatching egg the so called SELEGGT process. The procedure can easily be implemented in the global egg production and be recognized by the heart-shaped respeggt label ‘Free of Chick Culling’ on all egg boxes. The label guarantees eggs from a supply chain which complies with the principals of the respeggt promise. The first eggs with the respeggt label have been on the market since November 2018. To achieve a global egg production ‘Free of Chick Culling’, we at respeggt offer all hatcheries the services of gender identification in the hatching egg as well as a supply chain verification.