WPF releases new poultry resources for small-scale farmers in Africa

WPF releases new poultry resources for small-scale farmers in Africa
Photo: World Poultry Foundation

The World Poultry Foundation (WPF) has released a series of new training materials to help small-scale poultry farmers improve their farming methods and incomes.

Small-scale poultry producers are farmers who typically begin with just a few birds in their gardens but, over time, grow their flocks and later start selling chicken meat and eggs in addition to producing for home consumption.

By following a few basic principles demonstrated through visual training guides prepared by the World Poultry Foundation, these small-scale poultry producers can improve the productivity of their birds. The training covers a variety of topics, including poultry housing, health, water and feed, as well as business planning, all aimed to help thee producers grow their operations to become more sustainable and profitable.

Randall Ellis, CEO of the World Poultry Foundation: “Small-scale poultry producers play a crucial role in local food systems and rural economies,” said Ellis, adding, “We developed this series with an eye on the rural small-scale farmer: the materials are highly visual and thus suitable for a population with lower literacy, and the training is grounded in recommendations geared towards low-resource settings.”

Infographics and WhatsApp videos

The new training resources are available to farmers and organisations for free and include infographics, videos, and digital flip books for use at community meetings. “The infographics could be printed and handed out, videos are dubbed in local languages, making them easy to show at a training or share on WhatsApp, and the flip books include a script for each page, making them ready-to-use for any community training,” Ellis says.

The content is available in English and videos in English, Chinyanja, Mandinka, and Wolof. The material will also be translated into additional languages in future, including Kiswahili, Fula, Serahule, Jola, and Lingala.

For more information and to access the training resources, visit the World Poultry Foundation website or email communications@worldpoultryfoundation.org.

Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist
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