Bolivia evaluates avian genetics from Colombia

06-12-2013 | | |
Bolivia evaluates avian genetics from Colombia
Bolivia evaluates avian genetics from Colombia

Bolivia is considering importing avian genetic material from Colombia in the form of fertile eggs and day-old chicks.

Representatives of the National Agricultural Health and Food Safety (SENASAG) of Bolivia will make ​​a technical visit to Avicol in Colombia, to verify that health requirements are met, and that trade can proceed.

The technical delegation will also verify the actions of the health system in the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), processes of risk prevention, diagnosis, surveillance, and the various programs implemented to control diseases such as Newcastle, Salmonellosis and prevention of Avian Influenza.

“The execution of avian programs developed by ICA and health status, which Colombia has today against diseases such as avian influenza, mean the country is ready to export sanitary poultry products,” said Luis Humberto Martínez Lacouture, General Manager ICA.

The official said that the Institute recently certified two compartments belonging to the enterprise Avicol SA as free Newcastle disease, which places Colombia as the first country in Latin America that provides this type of certification in the poultry sector. The two compartments are formed by six farms and two hatcheries in the department of Tolima.

After the field trip, Bolivia will study health information collected, and through a concept of risk level, it will determine the possible opening of imports.

Since 2010 Colombia has the status of avian influenza free, thanks to the daily activities of prevention and monitoring from ICA. Similarly, studies of prevalence of Newcastle disease demonstrate that control efforts have reduced incidences in commercial poultry due to the commitment of producers.

Currently, Colombia exports avian genetic material to Ecuador and Venezuela.

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